Picturing Different Read online

Page 18

  Tripp stepped just a little closer so that he could see the blue sparkles of Ashlyn’s eyes beneath the porch light. He wasn’t going to miss such a great opportunity to mess with her.

  “Oh, Ash,” he began, shaking his head. “That’s not at all why.” He stopped, taking a moment to watch her overthink, knowing that she’d have to ask.

  “If not that, then what?”

  He took another step forward and thought Ashlyn might break down the door with how tightly pressed against it she was. They were only inches apart, he could have touched her face, gauged her reaction, and finally kissed her, but this would be so much better in the long run.

  “I told you, I’m a gentleman.” He watched as Ashlyn glared into his eyes, waiting for him to elaborate. “I don’t kiss on a first date.”

  Just like that he swiftly stepped away and smiled when he heard her let out a deep breath. He was already down the steps when she called out to him.

  “Tripp! You know this wasn’t a date!”

  “Uh huh,” he acknowledged.

  “I mean it! This wasn’t a first date!”

  He didn’t turn to face her until he was back at his vehicle. She looked absolutely adorable standing on the porch yelling at him. “I had fun,” he said, now getting inside.

  Ashlyn continued to fume. “Don’t you dare for one single minute think this was anything close to a date!”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Ashlyn was still irritated when she got out of the shower. Tripp was unbelievable. He just loved to get under her skin, and he knew that comment would do it.

  After quickly drying her hair and brushing her teeth, she immediately went to hop into bed. Upon plugging her phone in, she saw that she had a new message. There was only one person who would be texting her, knowing that she was still awake.

  Tripp: When can I see you again?

  That one question should not have made her stomach flip the way it did.

  Did Tripp not at all listen to a word she said in the library? No, of course he did. The hurt look on his face was still plastered in her mind. She, however, had completely obliterated everything that was said the moment she sought him after the game.

  And after tonight, she was falling for Tripp more than anything. This was bad, so bad.

  Tripp laughed when Ashlyn’s text came through moments later. She really wasn’t going to make it easy for him. It didn’t matter. After their evening, he knew there was something deeper as to why she said what she did in the library.

  Ashlyn: Tomorrow. Unless you’ve recently received a concussion, you sit beside me in science.

  Knowing how much he had gotten to her on her front porch, he decided to take it one step further, already foreseeing that she would not be responding to his message.

  Ashlyn slammed her phone down on the nightstand. Why did he have to go and do that? It’s like he knew exactly what to say and exactly how to push her buttons, and as much as she wanted to forget that simple text, when she closed her eyes, the words flashed in the blackness.

  Tripp: Goodnight, beautiful.

  Chapter 26

  “Hey, man,” Eric announced, casually greeting Tripp the next afternoon in the locker room.

  Though he wasn’t on the baseball team, he still had athletics eighth period.

  Tripp glanced over to Deacon and Byron nearby and both gave him skeptical looks.

  “Hey,” was all he said as he closed his locker and took his shoes to a nearby bench to finish changing out.

  Most of the guys were already on the practice field, so the locker room was fairly quiet. It was so quiet that Tripp could hear Eric’s footsteps behind him. He pretended not to notice the shadow hovering over him as he continued lacing his shoe.

  “Heard you guys won last night,” Eric said. He put one leg over the bench next to Tripp and straddled it.


  Eric didn’t seem satisfied with Tripp not pressing forward for conversation. “I didn’t see you out celebrating with the team.”


  Eric laughed sarcastically. “I also heard you played pretty lousy.”

  Tripp tried his best to stay calm and not make any cocky statements that would surely rile Eric. “Had an off day.”

  Bringing the subject back to dinner, “You know who else I didn’t see at Flip’s?” Eric didn’t give Tripp the chance to answer. “My girlfriend.”

  Tripp clenched his teeth together so tightly he was sure they would crack.

  “You do know my girlfriend, right?”

  From the corner of his eye, Tripp saw Deacon making his way over. “Can’t say that I do.”

  “Ashlyn Jennings. I met you at her house, so I’d say you know her.”

  Attempting to downplay any relations with Ashlyn, “Oh, yeah. She’s my partner in science, friend of Ellis and his sister.”

  “Ugh. Don’t even mention that braindead cheer idiot.” Just then, Eric saw Deacon approach, and a sinister smile spread across his face. “Right, Deacon?”

  “Leave Emory out of whatever this is,” Deacon growled. Unlike Tripp, he wasn’t light and bubbly. He didn’t smile and laugh. Though he was gentle and kind under his rough exterior, and chose to remain out of the business of others, if Eric were to say the right thing, he wouldn’t hesitate putting him in his place.

  “Whatever. Nobody cares about her.”

  Tripp rose from the bench and Eric quickly stood from his. “Anyway, nice talking to you,” Tripp said with his most upbeat voice, as though nothing was wrong. “But Deacon and I are late for practice.”

  Eric took a step forward. “Yeah, good talking to you too,” Eric said, beginning to leave. He patted Tripp on the shoulder, perhaps a little rougher than necessary.

  “It’s not my business,” Deacon began as they headed out. “But you should be careful with Ashlyn.”

  “We’re just friends.”

  Deacon made a noise that was as close to a laugh as Tripp ever heard from him. “You two left the game together. You were with her last night, yeah?”

  “We just went for dinner.”

  “Like a date?”

  Tripp shook his head and couldn’t help but smile at the memory of leaving Ashlyn the night before. “She made it very clear that it wasn’t a date.”

  “Regardless, be careful. Eric is nuts. If he’s still calling her his girlfriend, I’d be a little concerned.”

  Of all the things that Eric could have said, that had bothered Tripp the most. “Do you think that’s why Ash is keeping me at arm’s length?”

  Deacon turned and looked Tripp over. “You’re completely different than Eric. If she was into him, then you’re probably not her type.” His voice was dry, but Tripp had learned to read his eyes. He was definitely messing with him.

  Tripp nudged Deacon toward the field. “Thanks for that,” he laughed.

  “What can I say, at least one girl at this school isn’t into you,” Deacon continued as he jogged forward.

  “You can stop now!”

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Ashlyn was tweaking the bow of her ship when she heard her phone nearby. She quickly wiped her hands on her apron and reached for it, unable to contain the smile that came to her face when she saw the name.

  Tripp: Done with practice and heading home. Do you want to get together and work on the science packet?

  Ashlyn began and deleted several messages. After last night, it would be best to put the brakes on anything with Tripp outside of school; yet, here she was, desperately wanting to see him.

  Tripp: If you feel like playing twenty questions, you can come over to my house.

  Before Ashlyn could overthink it, she sent the message. Adrenaline raced through her as she tore off her apron and headed for the mirror. No sooner than she took out her messy bun and began to make two pigtails, Tripp’s message containing his address came in.

  She didn’t want to appear too eager, so she simply told him that she’d try to be over soon. She also didn’t go ov
erboard with her attire. Tripp was used to seeing her at school. Sometimes she wore dresses, sometimes overalls or jeans. If he was asking her to come over after everything she continued to put him through, even though it was just for studying, obviously he didn’t care too much about her clothes.

  Ashlyn made her way down the stairs and headed into the living room. Strangely, both her parents were home early, and even stranger, her mother was on the couch watching a movie.

  “Hey, mom. Is it okay if I go study with a friend?”

  Poppy paused the movie and her attention flew to her daughter, a playful glimmer in her eyes. “Girl friend or boy friend?”

  Ashlyn shifted her weight from side to side. “Ugh. Boy. If it helps, his mother and little brother are home.”

  “Depends. Do you plan on missing curfew?”

  Ashlyn’s eyes widened. Both her parents had been asleep when she got in the night before, and neither had said anything about it all day. “It was only fifteen minutes.” Then her mother laughed. “How did you know?”

  “Sweetie…The doorbell picked up movement.” She shook her head. “That poor boy.”

  Ashlyn’s face turned red from mortification. “It recorded everything…” It wasn’t a question, simply a statement.

  “And it was obviously a date.”

  Ashlyn couldn’t meet her mother’s eyes. She was completely horrified that she had seen that. “Just stop. Please.”

  Poppy laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes.

  “I’ll even be home for dinner,” Ashlyn stressed.

  “It’s fine, really. Before you go, I think your father wanted to speak with you. He’s in his office.”

  Without bothering to entertain her mother any further with her embarrassment over last night, Ashlyn headed to her father’s office. He rarely called her in for a talk, and neither of her parents were big disciplinarians, so she couldn’t imagine what kind of trouble she might be in.

  Though Daniel’s office door was open, Ashlyn still knocked.

  “Hey, dad. You wanted to see me?”

  “Yeah. It won’t take long,” he said with half a smile.

  Ashlyn cautiously made her way in. “Am I in trouble about curfew?”

  He gave her a perplexed look. “Your mother said it was only by fifteen minutes.”

  Ashlyn couldn’t help but laugh on the inside. Her father probably didn’t think anything of it since he was generally always running late.

  “Anyway, no. Forget the curfew thing.” He sighed, and the now serious look on his face concerned Ashlyn. “You know my Mickey Mantle ball?”

  Ashlyn rolled her eyes. Of course she knew that thing. He won it at an auction years earlier and Ashlyn was pretty sure that if their house was robbed, he’d trade her before letting them take that ball.

  “What about it?”

  “It’s been missing since your party.” Daniel watched an uncomfortable expression come to his daughter’s face. “I don’t want to accuse any of your friends. I didn’t want to say anything until I talk to Carmen. Maybe she was cleaning and moved it somewhere.”

  Ashlyn knew her dad was just being too nice. Carmen wouldn’t dare touch that stupid ball.

  “We both know Carmen won’t know anything,” Ashlyn sighed. She began thinking about her party and a sickening feeling came over her. “You were talking to Tripp in here, you don’t think…”

  Her father couldn’t help but chuckle and rub his forehead. “Trust me, that boy wouldn’t have it in him to steal something.”

  Not liking how easy it was for her father to dismiss the possibility, “But he likes baseball, and if he was in here with you, he obviously saw it. I’m going to study with him, I can ask–”

  “So, the two of you,” he interrupted but paused, finding certain topics with his daughter to be quite difficult. “Dating?”

  “What? No!”

  Daniel appeared shocked. “Sorry, I just thought…You know what, never mind.”

  Suddenly remembering her conversation with Tripp the night before, “Dad, why was he in here with you during my party.”

  Daniel smiled sweetly. “I think that’s something he needs–”

  “Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me?! The two of you are both saying the same thing. All I can think is that he needs your legal expertise for something.”

  Seeing how flustered Ashlyn became, Daniel blurted it out. “He asked me for permission to date you.”

  Ashlyn felt lightheaded. “What?!”

  Her father only nodded in confirmation.

  Ashlyn honestly felt like she was getting off the worst roller coaster in her life. Was Tripp serious? Who does that anymore?

  “Look, forget I said anything about the ball. I’m sure it will turn up somewhere,” Daniel told her, interrupting the thousands of thoughts running through her head.

  Ashlyn was still in a daze when she left her father’s office and grabbed her backpack near the front door. It seemed so outlandish. Tripp had said he was a gentleman, but not like something from the 1800s. Boys her age didn’t ask fathers for permission to date their daughters. The idea of even talking to her parents about dating was uncomfortable, and yet, Tripp talked about it with a virtual stranger. She had to give it to him, he had confidence.

  Chapter 27

  Tripp diligently worked on his homework across the table from Ashlyn. His mom busied herself in the kitchen, while his little brother sat on the couch reading a book. His mother severely limited screen time.

  He looked up to Ashlyn. Her brows were scrunched together, and she was biting at the corner of her lip.


  “Yeah,” she sighed. “This matching section. I’m messing up somewhere…”

  Tripp leaned forward across the table trying to see where she was at on the packet. “Oh, the one about faults.”

  He extended his hand to try to point to which answer needed to be where. He wasn’t sure if Ashlyn heard his mother clear her throat in the kitchen, but it was one of her not so subtle ways to gain attention. When he looked up, Eliza had narrowed eyes and flicked her finger from side to side. Thankfully Ashlyn couldn’t see his mother’s gesture behind her.

  “Umm, here. Hold on.”

  Tripp slid his work across the table to the spot next to Ashlyn and went around to sit beside her. Though it was comfortable being next to her, and where he wanted to be the entire time, he could feel Eliza’s eyes searing through his back expecting him to mess something up.

  “Switch these two around and you should be good,” he told her, motioning to her paper.

  Ashlyn looked up at him and only then realized how close they were. Oddly, Tripp wasn’t laying on the charm or being flirtatious. He was simply sitting next to her and helping her with a problem. His closeness and the smell of his cologne still didn’t stop her heart from racing.

  Tripp saw his brother carefully watching as he made his way into the kitchen. He glared at him and shook his head. All he needed was for Cason’s mouth to run away and tell some embarrassing story, true or not. Though young, he had a knack for storytelling, and Tripp could see him making up something ridiculous.

  During spring break there had been a set of twins at the beach who thought Cason was adorable; however, when it was clear that they were using him to get a chance to talk with Tripp, Cason informed them that the night prior Tripp wet the bed. He went into more details than Tripp could ever imagine at his age.

  “Mom. Can I have a snack?”

  “Dinner will be ready after your father gets home,” Eliza informed him. “He’s running just a little late.”

  Cason groaned and stomped off; however, much to Tripp’s surprise, he didn’t go back to the couch and his book. Instead, Cason pulled out a seat directly across from Ashlyn.

  Tripp shot him a set of eyes that told him to go away, but all that did was cause an adorably sinister grin on his brother’s face.

  “Ashlyn,” Cason began, pleased when she looked up from her worksheets and at hi

  She smiled sweetly at the little boy. He was dangerously adorable. There was no doubt in her mind that he and Tripp shared the same lucky genetics.

  “We’re all wondering, mostly me and my mom, but probably my brother too…”

  “Don’t you have a book to read,” Tripp asked with a stern authoritative voice.

  Ashlyn nudged him and shook her head. “It’s fine.”

  “Are you my brother’s girlfriend?”

  Ashlyn’s eyes widened and her mouth went dry. “Wow. You don’t mind being blunt.”

  “Cason,” Eliza screamed from the kitchen. “Book. Now.”

  “She didn’t answer,” he yelled back. “I thought you wanted to know too,” he pretended to whine.

  “Cason, you’re really testing me.”

  “Ugh, fine.” Cason got up from his chair and pushed it in but didn’t immediately leave.

  Ashlyn and Tripp watched him carefully. He glanced over at Tripp and then shrugged.

  “I think you can do better,” he said, directing his words to Ashlyn.

  Tripp swatted at Cason from across the table, knowing that he couldn’t touch him. Cason let out a squeal and ran laughing from the room.

  “Sorry about that,” Tripp grumbled in a low voice.

  “It’s not a big deal,” Ashlyn assured him. She was thankful that the conversation played out in a way that she didn’t have to answer. It was an obvious no, but for some reason she didn’t want to have to say that aloud. She scrunched her face at the thought. “I think I should be going anyway.”

  “You can stay for dinner if you want.”

  “I would, but I told my mom I would be home for hers. After all, I don’t want to push it too much tonight after missing curfew last night,” she said quietly, hoping that his mother and brother didn’t know about their evening.

  Tripp could feel his cheeks reddening at the thought of the night before. That was something that never happened to him. He didn’t get embarrassed and blush.

  Ashlyn actually expected the afternoon to go much worse after Eliza’s overly pleasant greeting. She hated how his mother looked at her, with so much hope. She didn’t think she’d ever ask Tripp, but she had to wonder how many girls he had brought home over the years. From the surprise on his mother’s face, it didn’t seem like many, which contradicted what she thought, especially with Tripp’s personality.